Users Terms

General terms of use

Here you will find the more general terms and conditions (the “Terms”) that apply to your use of our products and services, including how to communicate with us, how to manage your accounts, our anti-money laundering and anti-fraud policies, and our intellectual property rights. Depending on the country where we are incorporated and with which your account is registered (“jurisdiction”), the terms “we”, “us”, and “our” mean or relate to.

Governing laws and jurisdiction

It is your responsibility as you access our services to make sure that you understand and fully follow the relevant laws and regulations of your own country. We do not support any offerings or make any solicitations that are illegal in your country, and you cannot use your account for such prohibited offerings.

In some countries, we may not be permitted to offer our products and services to you unless you have taken proactive steps to solicit information about them and requested to be provided with our products and services. It is your responsibility to know about the restrictions that apply in your country of residence and to observe them, as in continuing to access our products and services you represent to us that you are doing so legally and that, where relevant, you have solicited information about our products and services and requested to be provided with them.

Depending on where you live, your account will be governed by the laws of the country of incorporation of the company that your account is registered. below. If you have registered more than one account with more than one company, each account will be governed by the law of the country of incorporation of the company that each individual account has been registered with. You agree to submit to the applicable jurisdiction’s courts and bring any claim you may have before them. These courts will have sole authority to settle any disputes that may arise between you and us.

If a court or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of the Terms to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

Communication with us

You can contact us via our website, email, mobile applications, online chat, or telephone. Contact details can be found on the Contact page of our website. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are able to receive the emails we send you

Account management

Account opening and maintaining; To open an account, you need to meet all of the following condition:
You have read the Terms in full and have understood that you will be sending and receiving packages subject to the Terms.

You have read our Security and privacy statement and are aware of how we process information.

You are over 18 years old.

Know Your Customer

We may, at our sole discretion, or as otherwise required by law, conduct appropriate Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures, for which you will need to register in full and provide us with specified documents to prove your identity, address, and financial means. During registration, you may need to provide your full name, address, date of birth, place of birth, country of residence, contact number, and email address.